Constitution of Pi Chi Omega:
*Articles of the Fraternity*
(As Amended October 21, 1975, January 6, 1988, October 24, 2003, January 10, 2012, and October 20, 2015)
The name of this Fraternity shall be Pi Chi Omega. It is organized under the laws of the State of Indiana as a professional, non-profit Fraternity.
The aims and purposes of the Fraternity shall be to further the science of pest management; to encourage and promote the formal education of potential members of the pest management industry; to cooperate with the National Pest Management Association and the various state and local pest management associations; to obtain and distribute information that would be of value to members of the pest management industry; to further public respect and confidence in professional pest management; and to further the mutual benefits and associations of the members of Pi Chi Omega by the holding of meetings for the presentation and discussion of reports on the investigations and experience of the members in the field of pest management.
The management of the affairs of the Fraternity shall be vested in the Board of Directors, which shall consist of 11 members, elected or appointed by the membership, the board, or the Executive Director as provided by these Bylaws. The Board shall consist of the President, President-Elect, Secretary, Treasurer, Executive Director (no vote), the immediate Past President, four Active or Associate Members, and one student member (no vote).
The business of the Fraternity shall be carried out through the Board of Directors and such committees as are appointed in accordance with Article VI of the Bylaws.
*Founded 1950 at Purdue University; Incorporated 1955.