Pi Chi Omega Board Members and a few gracious volunteers met on Sunday 1/11/15 to review the liberated materials from the Pi Chi Omega storage units. Thank you to everyone who was able to spend the day organizing and categorizing this information.
The Pi Chi Omega Board meeting followed. There was also a mixer with many members of Pi Chi Omega along with prospects and Purdue students on Monday 1/12/15. “We had better-than-expected attendance and it was great to spend some time with the students who help organize the Purdue meetings,” said Dale Baker, Pi Chi Omega Secretary and VP of Sales at J.T. Eaton Company.
The dinner meeting was held on Tuesday 1/13/15 with 32 in attendance. At which, Pi Chi Omega President Kim Kelly Tunis updated the members of various projects the board is working on. The most exciting detail from the meeting was that the board has decided to wave the 2014 member dues, as well as offer a clean slate to anyone who owes back dues for a fresh start in 2015.
Please congratulate our two new members voted in at the dinner meeting: Fabio Castle Castello and Chris Phillips. Many thanks to Gerry Wegner and Tom Myers for their very generous donations to silent auction.
All minutes will be posted on a new, Members-Only, password protected are of this site.