Below you will find details about everything Pi Chi Omega has planned during PestWorld 2023. This information can also be found on our events page. Please follow this link to RSVP for the events you plan on attending!

Pi Chi Omega Board Meeting, Monday, Oct.16th, 1:00 pm in the Oahu Rm
Please feel free to sit in on the Pi Chi Omega Board Meeting – we are Ohana and all are welcome! Perhaps this will be a way to spike an interest in serving on the Board. Click here for details and to RSVP

Pi Chi Omega Membership Meeting, Tuesday, Oct. 17th, 10:00 am in the Kahuku Rm
Connect with your fraternity friends and hear all about what Pi Chi Omega has been up to and what lies ahead. We have guest speakers from the Hawaii Ant Lab and Ohau Invasive Species Committee who will speak about the unique challenges invasive species bring to the Hawaiian islands and specifically highlight the current efforts to control the Little Fire Ant. Feel free to bring a guest to introduce them to our community.
Click here for details and to RSVP

Pi Chi Omega Raise the Bar, Thursday, Oct. 19th, 8:00 pm – location to be determined
This social event is a great time for Pi Chi Omega members to come together to relax, connect, and enjoy the camaraderie always present among our members. We will buy you a drink if you stop by the Pi Chi Omega booth #538 to make a Little Fire Ant detections kit and complete a challenge puzzle. Bring a guest, and let us show them what membership could mean to them. If you purchased a custom Pi Chi Omega Hawaiian shirt or Pi Chi Omega Redbubble Swag wear it! Click here for details and to RSVP

Pi Chi Omega Sponsored Speaker: Faith Oi, Ph.D., Invasive Species and Structural Pest Management Wednesday, Oct. 18th, 2:30 pm
Pi Chi Omega member, Faith Oi will be speaking on invasive species which just happens to be the focus of our educational topic during PestWorld! Pi Chi Omega members are encouraged to attend Faith’s session!

Visit Pi Chi Omega in the Exhibit Hall in Booth 538!
Come visit with other Pi Chi Omega members at booth #538. Come learn about invasive species’ impact on the Hawaiian islands and help up make Little Fire Ant detection kits used by local organizations to help manage this invasive ant. Complete a kit and a challenge puzzle to earn a drink ticket to Raise the Bar! We’re also giving away Pi Chi Omega sunglasses to the first 100 visitors.