There’s always a lot going on at Pest World, but we hope you’ll put these Pi Chi Omega events at the top of your Pest World Agenda!
- Pi Chi Omega Board Meeting – October 22, 2018, 1:00 – 5:00 pm, Swan and Dolphin Resort, Room Asia 4 – The Pi Chi Omega Board meets approximately 7 times a year both electronically and in person at PestWorld and Purdue. The work of this volunteer Board ensures the Fraternity continues to meet our mission and goals. All our Board meetings are open meetings so if you’d like to sit in on the Pest World Board meeting you are welcome! Just contact the staff to let us know you’ll be coming so we can save you a seat!
- Pi Chi Omega Membership Meeting, October 23, 2018, 10:00 – 11:30 am, Swan and Dolphin Resort, Room Asia 4 – The Pi Chi Omega membership meeting is a great opportunity to connect early during Pest World with other members. We begin the meeting with a 15-minute social time over coffee and pastries. The annual business meeting is conducted, which includes conducting the Board of Director Elections. At the end of the meeting, awards and recognitions are made to recognize members who have made remarkable contributions to our organization and our industry.
- Pi Chi Omega Raise the Bar – October 25, 8:00 – 10:00 pm – Pi Chi Omega is a Fraternity, so let’s fraternize! Let us buy you a drink and introduce you to our Fraternity and many of our Board members. Instituted at Pest World 2017 in Baltimore, the Pi Chi Omega “Raise the Bar” social was attended by well over 50 Pest World attendees wanting to learn more about our Fraternity and to catch up with old friends and meet new ones! The drawing for the winner of the Pi Chi Omega 50/50 raffle that is conducted throughout the meeting is held during this event. So, this event gives you a last chance grab your ticket and have a shot at winning ½ the pot! The event will be held in a convenient lobby bar (exact location to be announced) of one of the convention hotels.
Throughout the meeting, stop by the Pi Chi Omega booth and take the Pi Chi Omega Ultimate Insect ID Challenge! Bring your insect identification skills and your bravery – in addition to naming several different species of insects, you may opt to go for the bonus round and blindly stick your hand in a box to identify the insect inside!