Pi Chi Omega is all about connecting and enriching the pest management industry. Our engaged and diverse membership means there is plenty of opportunity for our members to learn from each other, and to positively impact the industry by sharing our collective knowledge and passion for the technical side of the industry. Read below about the four main ways Pi Chi Omega aims to connect and enrich the pest management industry
Your membership supports four students each year who are enrolled in a full-time course of study within the field of entomology, or a related scientific field of study. Each year Pi Chi Omega awards $13,000 in scholarships to six deserving students as follows: Dr. John Osmun Scholarship $3,000, Founder’s Endowment Scholarship $2,000, Alain VanRyckeghem Memorial Scholarship, the Dr. Austin Frishman Scholarship $2,000, the Norm Ehmann Scholarhip $2,000 and the R. Randall Rollins Memorial Scholarship $2,000.
If you are an educator with a student interested in scholarship support, or a student looking for financial support, please click here to learn how to apply for a Pi Chi Omega scholarship.
Providing our members with fun social events is part of the picture – Pi Chi Omega holds many opportunities for fun. But more than that, Pi Chi Omega encourages our members to forge friendships and relationships where they can share information about technical challenges and lend support by offering solutions. Click here to learn about how Pi Chi Omega connects our members!
Keep an eye on the Pi Chi Omega Calendar for more information about where Pi Chi Omega members will be connecting.
Toward the end of creating more networking opportunities, Pi Chi Omega will be getting more active on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin and other social platforms to increase the social media presence as well as to increase the networking opportunities among members and potential members. Members will be encouraged to post accomplishments, findings and industry related material.
To build more connections at state association and other industry meetings, we will encourage posting on social media before industry events (regional to international events) asking which Pi Chi Members will be there, which will create opportunities for networking and comradery.
Pi Chi Omega will launch a reinvigorated social mixer and networking campaign at Pestworld with the “Raise the Bar” event, being held at the bar of the Hilton hotel. We would like to increase Pi Chi Omega’s presence at industry events – what better place to start than at the largest gathering of the industry each year?
Recognition & Awards
Pi Chi Omega’s membership boasts a full array of technically talented individuals. When a member manages to stand out, above the cream of the crop, we think it is important to recognize them. To do this, the Awards Committee will be working to meld awards from the past into awards that are meaningful to our future and provide a way for these noteworthy individuals to be recognized. Members will be recognized with a Pi Chi Omega award for carrying out the Pi Chi Omega mission through networking, mentoring, and service.
Click here for details about the three Pi Chi Omega awards, or to nominate a Pi Chi Omega member for an award.
Informal mentoring already occurs among our membership, however the fourth strategic activity identified during the strategic planning process (2017) identified mentoring as an important component of Pi Chi Omega membership. This brand-new activity will provide a big brother/big sister framework whereby newer, less experienced members, can partner with more established members in the industry to learn through shared experience. The development of this program will identify areas of specialty, recruit mentors and match people with them. In addition, we will develop a training and mentoring board as a resource for presentations.